
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Automating Webex Calling Provisioning and Call Control

Providing versatile and customizable provisioning and call control tools for Webex Calling administration has been one of the main priorities for Cisco. With the implementation of Webex Calling Provisioning and Call Control APIs, Partners can automate most of the Webex procedures and they can also be more efficient in delivering Webex Calling solutions. 

Webex Calling APIs eliminate human errors, shortens the implementation time, and provides bulk provisioning tools.

Integrating your app to use Webex Calling APIs

Webex Integrations are how your Application requests permission to invoke the Webex REST API on behalf of another Webex user. In order to do this in a secure way, the Webex API supports OAuth 2 standard which allows third-party integrations to get a temporary access token for authenticating API calls instead of asking users for their password.

The required steps to get your access token are:

1. Register your integration with Webex. 

First, log in as your Customer Admin, in, select Start Building Apps, then Create a New App and finally click over Create an Integration

Complete the information requested and select then the access level required for the application.

You will receive a client ID and a Client Secret for the integration, which authorizes the Client that is requesting an Access Token. Also, you can copy the OAuth Authorization URL.

2. Request permission using an OAuth Grant Flow

With the OAuth Authorization URL, and the following parameters (response type, Client ID, Redirect URI, Scopes, State) the integration will be granted permission. The Webex REST API will redirect the user's web browser to the redirect_URI you specified when entering the grant flow. The request to the redirect URL will contain a code parameter in the query string.

That will look like this: 

You should copy the code obtained in the new URL.

3. Exchange the resulting authorization code for an access token

Now that you have the Authorization code, your integration will then need to exchange this code for an access token that can be used to invoke your Webex Calling API. Then perform an HTTP POST to the following URL with a standard set of OAuth parameters: grant_type, client_id, client_secret, and Refresh_token. The API will then respond with JSON containing a new access token.

4. Use the access token to make your API calls. 

What is possible to do with Webex Calling API? Webex is constantly improving, therefore you should constantly look for new features that will be available for your integrations. Currently, we have a set of Webex Calling API for provisioning, as well as for Webex Calling call Controls.

This new enhancement adds the following capabilities to the game:

Streamlining Webex Calling Provisioning and Call Control APIs will bring more tools and agile ways to optimize your services to our customers.

This new Webex Calling enhancement brings to the game new ways to provision Webex Calling features in an efficient way. 

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